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WRS is the most wonderful networking group in the world. I tell everyone (and there are lots of WRS members in my book, The Wealthy Spirit). WRS works forever, too - the night before one of my 8-week Financial Stress Reduction tele-classes was due to start, I got a call from a woman who said, "You might not remember me, but I met you 8 years ago at WRS. Are you still doing that financial workshop? My husband and I want to come!" And they signed up and started classes the next day. So always remember that your WRS ships you launched years ago are still out there and you never know when they are going to sail into your port! Thanks for everything, Nancy. Love you!
Chellie Campbell, Author of the Wealthy Spirit and Zero to Zillionaire 310-476-1622  http://chellie.com/

”WRS has proven to be an excellent marketing tool for America’s IRA Centers.  We have met some of the most interesting and successful business people in the organization and have developed an outstanding referral network amongst WRS members. In addition, we have been very successful with new business referred by the Blue and Yellow Directories ads.  Thank you, WRS!”
Marc H. Weiss, America's IRA Centers, 818-346-3700, www.americasIRAcenters.com

"WRS has been instrumental in helping both build and maintain my practice.  The caliber of referrals I receive from and give to fellow members is without peer.
Laura Arnold, MA, LMFT, 310-850-5666, www.LauraArnoldmft.com
The WRS Referral Guide has been a terrific resource for keeping my customers happy. Nothing builds a strong business relationship like helping your clients make the connections they need.
Thanks, WRS!
Larry Spinak – CompuNerds, 310-314-1506, www.compunerdsla.com

The WRS Referral Guide is the best way to increase your referrals from outside of the organization. I received one of my largest printing orders from the Referral Guide from a non-member.
Sharon Helmer, Quality Discount Printers, 818-995-6011, www.discountprinters.org

who needs it?

Only those that want more customers!
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You too can generate more referrals from your networking efforts than you ever imagined possible.

Click here to find out how with Worthwhile Referral Sources.